Dirty Laundry
You don't really want to know just how far it's gone
Just leave well enough alone
Eat your dirty laundry - Don Henley
Thanks to Andy Parx and Rob Zelkovsky for this video published on YouTube which provides a historical perspective of KKCR. After watching the video I posted comments including the one below.
Ed Coll: Continued dialogue is the answer but with censorship in place at KKCR we must use uncensored channels to dialogue. Mahalo to Andy and Rob for the historical perspective because it reminds everyone that past history is today "living history" As Chomsky says "All authority must be challenged for legitimacy and if found illegitimate be removed." There is a hole in KKCRs dirty laundry policy as it does not prevent talk show hosts from objecting to this censorship in other media. Unfortunately they are silent on this issue.
Here is how KKCR Talk show host Jimmy Trujillo replied:
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The ill-informed misinforming
the uninformed
James Trujillo: bullshit Ed you were invited on the air by Felicia Alongi Cowden and you never took her up on it. you're welcome to join me on air as well to share your perspective but your nonsense blog posts about demongods [sic] is all hooey.'jonathan 'jay might not welcome you but anytime you want to open up the dialog on air 826 7771 will get you (or jim kelly) on line to grumble with the best of'em. andy joins the conversation when it suits his schedule but he can attest that he's been invited a number of times and i always welcome his commentary as well.
What a lovely invitation. Who wouldn't love to go on the air with such a friendly, unbiased moderator? I wouldn't. Not with a moderator with his finger on the mute button and a board directive to use it. Rest assured that Trujillo would cut me off the air in a Rush Limbaugh minute. I have proof. Here is the relevant part of KKCR’s dirty laundry policy:
A DJ or guest may never air “dirty laundry.” DJs may not use their shows to ask listeners to rally against station policies or procedures. Do not broadcast complaints about the radio station, other volunteers, staff, board members, underwriters, PSAs, program content, specific community members, or other radio stations. Please discuss all grievances with staff. Violation of this policy can result in suspension of DJ or termination of program.
This is the KKCR censorship I was talking about. This dirty laundry policy is not a FCC (Federal Communications Commission) regulation. This policy was created by the KKCR board of directors (post bloodless coup) to immunize itself from criticism or analysis. Censorship plain and simple. If a talk show host “broadcasts complaints” about KKCR, the talk show host can be suspended and the program can be terminated. It protects KKCR itself from any criticism, while allowing talk show hosts (and their guests) to attack other entities, corporations, and non-profit corporations without any negative consequences. Trujillo is well aware of this policy and again I have proof.
In 2008 KKCR’s “Dirty Laundry” policy was challenged by several self-described "activists" programmers. Here is what happened next:
The situation escalated when two fellow deejays, Jimmy Trujillo and Katy Rose, discussed Edens-Huff's suspension and allegations of institutional racism at KKCR on their "Out of the Box" radio show in late December. They, too, were suspended. http://goo.gl/3OHrlX
Yep. Trujillo was suspended for violating the KKCR dirty laundry policy. When Rose and Trujillo still tried to do their talk show after airing KKCR's dirty laundry this happened:
When push came to shove Trujillo caved and decided his voice was more important to the community than removing the KKCR dirty laundry censorship policy that he intentionally violated. Trujillo's ego overrode his principles and he resumed his talk show despite the fact that no changes were made to KKCR’s dirty laundry policy.
For the record Jonathan Jay, Felicia Cowden and now Jimmy Trujillo have all invited me to be a guest on their talk shows knowing they have already agreed to not broadcast me (i.e. cut my mic) if I "complain" about KKCR's dirty laundry policy. If they broadcast my complaint they can face "suspension" and the program can be "terminated".
The only explanation I can offer for such insincerity is self-promotion. Of course they want call-ins to "their" radio programs and they are not above calling each others' shows for a good 'ole back-patting sessions. Increasingly there are many calls from fewer people, but few calls from many people. Their talk show "community" is a shrinking echo chamber where the ill-informed misinform the uninformed.
Like KKCR's dirty laundry policy itself, KKCR's talk shows have become foul tasting self-licking ice cream cones existing primarily to justify and perpetuate their own existence. These three talk show hosts have not accepted my invitation to dialogue about KKCR on my YouTube Live Internet Channel.